1. First impression
Remember that your main entrance will be the first impression, so be sure everything is clean and repainted where necessary. Your lawn and landscaping must be well maintained. Make sure the back yard contains no garbage or dead leaves. If it has snowed, shovel and clean thoroughly and remove all traces of ice from the front steps.
2. What you show is what you get
To avoid awkward descriptions of what your house could look like, touch up the paint where necessary, replace damaged wallpaper, repair visible cracks, fix broken tiles, and ensure it is always clean, warm and inviting.
3. Let in the sunlight
Open blinds and curtains, so visitors see how bright and cheerful your home is.
4. Fix that leaky faucet
A leaky faucet ruins the appearance of a bathtub or sink, and suggests faulty plumbing.
5. Attention to detail
Take time to ensure all doors, drawers and windows (sliding and casement) are in good working order. It will increase the value of your home.
6. Safety first
Keep stairs clear and clean, as visitors will want to inspect every nook and cranny. Remember, you're trying to sell your home, so avoid accidents and distractions.
7. From top to bottom
Showcase your attic, and ensure your basement and other storage areas are bright and well lighted. A coat of paint in the basement can make all the difference.
8. Well organized cupboards and closets
This is a chance to tidy your cupboards and closets, and show visitors their storage capacity.
9. Bathrooms sell homes
Make these rooms sparkle, with shiny faucets and fixtures, fresh linen and towels, and no cracked or damaged caulking.
10. Pleasant and inviting bedrooms
Keep these rooms bright and cheerful. Remove excess furniture, use attractive and colourful bedspreads, and clean your blinds and curtains.
11. Lighting: a key factor
A well-lighted home is a welcome sign to prospective buyers. If visitors come in the evening, leave on all interior and exterior lights (replace bulbs if necessary). Your home will be more warm and inviting.
12. Too many people
Avoid having too many visitors at once. Buyers will think they're imposing on your family, and may shorten their visit and miss important features of your home.
13. Soft music
As you and the visitor may have different musical tastes, be sure to lower the volume and turn off your TV. Let the broker speak with clients without disturbance or distraction. The results may surprise you.
14. Curb your dog
While they may be man's best friend, some people are afraid of animals and hate to be near them. So keep them out of the way.
15. Let the broker do the talking
Be friendly and attentive, but don't try to force a conversation. The client is there to inspect your home, not make small talk.
16. Most beautiful home on the block
It may be true, but let visitors discover it for themselves. Don't tell them what a unique opportunity your home is. If they point out flaws or say unflattering things, be attentive but say nothing. Let the broker deal with it.
17. Keep a low profile
Your broker knows the needs and desires of potential buyers, and can better sell the virtues of your home if you're not "tagging along". If there are questions, the broker will call you.
18. Don’t put the cart before the horse
Though the occasion may arise, don't offer to sell visitors your furniture and accessories before they've purchased the home. This can lose a sale. Stay calm and relaxed, and let your broker handle things.
19. Negotiations
Let your broker discuss the selling price, terms of payment, and occupancy date with visitors. Your broker is a professional, and knows how to negotiate to your advantage.
20. Trust your broker
Your broker is always available to help you. Before making important decisions about the sale of your house, consult him or her. Brokers have extensive experience and are always at your service.